$100 Bathroom Remodel
Have you ever noticed that after your make one part of your house amazing you just have to make anything that touches that area just as beautiful? For the last couple of months I've been working on the entryway. I've added board and batten, painted the closet doors, restyled the entry table, repainted and (finally) bought roman shades for the front windows (see the big reveal here). I was so excited by how it all looked I even bought flowers for the containers in the front of the house (since I could see them through the lower windows) and a rug for the front door area. Everything looks so beautiful that I was starting to feel sorry for our lowly little powder bath. It's been so neglected throughout all of our remodeling. Yes, it got new floors but only because I had a bit left over from the master bath remodel. And it's true that it received new "utilities" when the flooring was redone. But other than that, it has barely been touched in the three years that we have lived here. It's been so faithful and always there for us but we treat it so poorly. So I decided to give it the love it deserved.
It is a tiny little room, but because it is in the living room, it is the go-to restroom of choice around here. You would think with all of the attention it gets it would get a bit more love than it has.
Because I spent way too much money on the master bathroom and entryway, I decided to give myself $100 to update the space. My wheels were spinning because I wanted major impact without a major blow to the wallet. The first thing I did was paint. I had about a 1/2 gallon left of the paint we used in the living/kitchen area so I opted for that. Cost - $0.
The next step was decorating. I headed to my favorite place to score good deals at next to nothing prices - Home Goods. While there I found a few prints I liked. I grabbed them and a rug and headed home. I put the pics up and laid the rug down only to find the rug wouldn't work. When we put the new floors down they rose up 1/2 inch so we didn't have enough clearance between the rug and the door. Bummed, I set the rug aside and worked on the art. I initially only bought two pictures even though I knew I needed three. I hung the two pics up and sure enough - I needed a third. So back to Home Goods I went (any of you who shop at Home Goods know if you like it, you better get it because it will probably be gone the next day). Luckily the third pic was still there so I snagged it and headed home. All-in-all the pics cost $61.00.

After getting the pics up I stared at the bathroom ten different ways trying to decide what to put above the toliet. I hate, hate, hate putting things on the back of the "utilities". I know a lot of folks like it, but it's a no-no in my house. So I decided the best option was a shelf. With that in mind I headed to my other favorite good deal at next to nothing prices place - Hobby Lobby. Sure enough, I was able to get a shelf and vase for around $30.

After getting the shelf I headed to Target for a few final touches. I picked up a towel for $7.99 and a picture frame for $3.99. I sent photos from my trip to Italy down to CVS and had them printed for a whooping $2.69.
Once I put it all together I was a proud mama!
I was shocked at what $100 could do for our little room. All total, I spent $106 (ok, so I was $6 over, but totally worth it). I could have probably made some wall art (but I'm not all that crafty) and saved a ton, but I think $60 for three prints is a pretty good buy. I wish the pictures did it justice, but believe me when I see the difference is amazing - even the hubs commented on how good it looks. I have a feeling there will be some type of wainscoting in the future but for now, I'm excited with the changes and happy I finally did something with our faithful little powder room.