The cabinet painting tool you have to have!

Well hello everyone! I bet you all thought I'd quit the blogging game. Not so! I've been busy launching the business and working on a TON of projects. One of those is finishing my cabinets - you know the cabinets that were oak, then black, then black and white and now.... white. Yep, went the traditional route. After my travels overseas and seeing really, really old kitchens I've noticed one thing - white never goes out of style. I'm trying to keep it classic but with fun accessories. But more on that later. While painting kitchen cabinets, you will find yourself sanding - a lot. All of that sanding results in nasty little specks of dust in every crevice of the cabinet.  I usually struggle with dust specks. I've used mineral spirits, sponges, a vacuum - you name it - but still end up with little specks of dust. After a day of sanding out the specks I had a thought. I went to the kitchen and grabbed my Swiffer duster and dusted the crevices. Would you believe that it picked up every speck of dust on the cabinets and I didn't have single dust speck afterwards? I don't know why I didn't think of this before, but it is a real lifesaver. So, if you are thinking of painting your cabinets, make sure you add a Swiffer duster to the list - you will be so glad you did!

Now, I'm off to poly my cabinets. Have a great weekend!
