My Beautiful Tea Tables
A couple of weeks ago I bought these beautiful tea tables from Nadeau:
I purchased them knowing I would be refinishing them (I didn't want white and I def. didn't want blue). I've been playing around with a few ideas. Because there is not a door between my bedroom and bathroom, the style of the bathroom really needs to overflow into the bedroom. Because I love black and white to a fault, the bedroom is going to end up in black and white as well (my husband keeps asking if we are ever going to have color in the house. The jury is still out on that). Keeping this in mind I took to the web. One of the first things I stumbled across was Krylon Looking Glass Paint.
Hmmm... my husband doesn't love that the nightstands will be see through because there are things he may want to "hide" in there (you know how men loooove to hide things!!!). After a ton of research and reading lots and lots of blogs where a brave soul actually decided to test it out, I decided that I'm going to use it on the glass panels.
The next thing I had to do was think about paint color. I didn't want white. I didn't want black. I like the thought of gray, but my headboard is gray. While researching the Krylon Looking Glass paint, I remembered stumbling onto a site where a woman was talking about using chrome spray paint and compared it to the looking glass paint. Then I thought maybe, just maybe, I could do a metallic finish. I checked out a few images and came across this:
It is perfect! Suesan from Frou Frugal ( had the brilliant idea of painting this chair in silver and then dry brushing an antiquing glaze on top of the chair to give it an aged look (check out her post: The results were amazing and I've decided to give it a try sometime in the near future (like after I finish the board and batten project). I think it will tie in perfectly with my black and white theme. So what do you think? Give it a go or find something else?