Just When Everything Was Going So Well
/In a perfect remodeling world you make your choices, buy your materials and everything magically comes together. In the real world, not so much. My bathroom is demolished and it looks better already. The next step was to build up the shower, add a niche in the shower and to repair the sheetrock around the tub and vanities. My GC told me Friday it would probably be Monday. Saturday he told me it would probably be Tuesday and Monday... well he called Monday morning to let me know he was going to look into a few things and would get back with me. I haven't heard from him since (it's 4:oo pm Wednesday afternoon). I've left a couple of messages, sent a text and nothing. In a panic I took to Angie's List in search of a drywall pro. I found one that had great reviews and he will be out tomorrow to quote everything. Fingers crossed he works out because I cannot do anything until the sheetrock and shower is complete - especially the floors. Which brings me to....
The floors. What a nightmare. I picked out the tile I wanted a month ago. I bought several pieces and placed them on the floor so I could look at them day and night. I loved them. They are the perfect mix of gray and mahogany so they match the hardwoods in our living area perfectly.

Because I knew I wanted a marble shower, I didn't bother picking up samples until we demo'd. After demo John had his floor guy come out to bid the job. I showed him what I wanted and the more we talked, the more I realized my original choice wasn't going to work. What I failed to take into account is that the marble and floor tile would be meeting up on the outside of the shower (what was I thinking - I knew they had to meet up on the outside of the shower!!!). As you can imagine, a marble and this tile do not look good right next to each other. Which reminds me - have I shown you the inspiration for my shower?

Once I realized the tile I wanted wouldn't work I began looking for something new. I spent hours at Floor and Decor and came up with a decent option. I visited Emser Tile in Austin and also found a few pieces I loved. I grabbed samples and headed home. Once I got home I went over the choices with John and the Hubs. We narrowed it down to this:

Yep gray - the other color I can't seem to get enough of. After looking at it 10 different ways we decided on the bottom tile. That should be the end of it, right? Nope. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that if I put this in my bathroom it was going to look like concrete. So I headed back out and fell in love with a black shiny tile - until I realized it was going to look like a new car showroom. Ugh. Who knew picking tile was going to be so hard!
I took the day off from thinking about it and set out to hunt again. The break must have been good for me because I was able to make a a decision regarding the floor - a beautiful marble.

Believe it or not, the decision to go with marble was a tough one. It's beautiful but it is delicate and not the least bit stain resistant. But I love it. I used marble in my kitchen and have really enjoyed it's beauty. And just to solidify the decision the marble has been purchased! Even better - since John flaked on me it's not hard to believe his flooring guy flaked too. Luckily Chad at Perfect Floors stepped in to save the day. He worked his magic and got me on the schedule for next Tuesday. Of course flooring can't be done until the the sheetrock work is complete and the shower has been built up (so you can see why John flaking really hurt me). Hopefully the guy tomorrow will work out and I will have the bath ready for tile on Tuesday.
The other big issue has been the vanities and bathtub. My husband loves vessel sinks so I opted to go that route. We also decided to use wall mount faucets. I ordered the faucets and matching shower system a few days ago. I also ordered the bathtub a few weeks ago but knew there was a chance something might not work once we pulled the tile up during demo. And I was right. The plumber (Richard) came out today to inspect the drain for the tub and my beautiful tub just wasn't going to work. So this beauty is now not an option:

I had ordered the tub from Quality Bath (who had great reviews) so I called them as soon as I knew I couldn't use it and held my breath. The wonderful Naomi at QB took my call and was able to cancel the order. I told her the problem stemmed from the drain. The guy we bought the house from remodeled it prior to us buying it and, as we have found out throughout our own remodeling, did a really poor job. The bathtub was no different. Apparently there was a floor joist cut in the process of installing Black Beauty and because of that I had to buy a tub that had the same type of drain placement. Once Naomi heard this she began searching for a tub. We came up with this:

It is almost the same size as Black Beauty and the same drain placement, so it should be an easy fit. Woo hoo!
Now on to the wall mount faucets. Richard took a look at the plumbing for the faucets and let me know that the wall mount faucets were going to be both difficult and expensive to install - not to mention that is has been his experience that they tend to leak. So, you guessed it, I called and cancelled my faucet order and am back to square one. Luckily the faucets can't be installed until next Friday or Saturday (at the earliest) so I've got time to search for something that will work. I found one that I absolutely love but the Hubs and my mom shot them down. Just for giggles, here it is:

I feel like I should add that no matter how badly I wanted these, I wouldn't buy them. I just can't stomach paying $1000 for faucets.
So that's where we stand today. I (hopefully) will have sheetrocking starting soon so I can head to the next part - painting.