Cleaning Up the Laundry Room: Part 1
/Well hello everyone!!!! Long time no blog post! It has been the craziest year and a half! As most of you know, I became a real estate agent in March of 2016. Since then, things have been a whirlwind. I've been very blessed to be extremely busy but with being busy comes sacrifices and, unfortunately, the blog was the sacrifice. Luckily, I have figured out how to manage the business and have found time to start blogging again.
The good thing? I actually have done a few projects here and there in my free time... I just haven't had a chance to blog about them. One project has been my laundry room. Let me remind of you of how the laundry room has looked the last few years:
The old left.
The old right.
Around two years ago I remodeled the laundry room and created the space above. You can read all about that remodel here. It worked really well for the last couple of years. So why did I change it? The doors on the right became more of problem than help. Then, our washer started leaking. As you can imagine, a leaky washer on a wood platform equals major problems. And finally, after almost 2 years of use, it looked really run down. We found out we needed to get a new washer and dryer so I decided to bite the bullet and put in new system.
I thought about building a new system, but I just didn't have the time. The next option? Ikea. I hopped on to the virtual planning tool and started designing the new laundry room.
It took forever! I had to figure out what I really wanted out of the laundry room. Since we have a cat, there had to be room for his box. I also wanted somewhere to store my vacuum other than the front entry closet. Storage for suitcases and sheets was also a must. And last, but not least... I needed somewhere I could fold laundry. Major oversight on my part during the first redo because I had nowhere to fold clothes.
I wish I had drawings from the Ikea planner, but because this was a while ago I don't have them. So what all did I do? I bought a new washer and dryer with pedestals. Where the pedestals worth it? Meh. They are helpful because the kids can do the laundry and we don't have to bend over to get things in and out, but there is nothing in there.
I also added upper glass cabinets on the left and a full size cabinet on the right with a drawer and cabinet next to it. Here is where we are now...
The new left.
New overhead storage!
The new right.
A great new work area... when I get a counter.
As you can see, there is still a bit to do. I want to tile the back wall (mainly because I've been dying to tile something) and I need a countertop for the drawer/cabinet combo. I also need to paint the baseboards and finish installing the trim.
The first thing I will do? Build a countertop. Luckily that is one of the projects I knocked out the last few months. The total cost was only $20 and I love the final result.
That's it from me for now. I'm going to try really hard to get you guys at least one blog post a week. This is the slower time of the year so maybe I can sneak a few extra in.
Until next time...